interface TransformContext
Represent the transform context
applicationId |
The application identifier abstract val applicationId: String |
artifacts |
The artifact manager abstract val artifacts: ArtifactManager |
bootClasspath |
The boot classpath abstract val bootClasspath: Collection<File> |
buildDir |
The build directory abstract val buildDir: File |
compileClasspath |
The compile classpath abstract val compileClasspath: Collection<File> |
dependencies |
The original dependencies, may be same to compileClasspath abstract val dependencies: Collection<String> |
isDataBindingEnabled |
is dataBinding enabled or not abstract val isDataBindingEnabled: Boolean |
isDebuggable |
The buildType is debuggable abstract val isDebuggable: Boolean |
klassPool |
The class pool abstract val klassPool: KlassPool |
name |
The name of transform abstract val name: String |
originalApplicationId |
The original application ID before any overrides from flavors abstract val originalApplicationId: String |
projectDir |
The project directory abstract val projectDir: File |
reportsDir |
The reports directory abstract val reportsDir: File |
runtimeClasspath |
The runtime classpath abstract val runtimeClasspath: Collection<File> |
temporaryDir |
The temporary directory abstract val temporaryDir: File |
getProperty |
Returns the value of the specified property. Generally, the property is equivalent to project property open fun <T> getProperty(name: String, default: T): T |
hasProperty |
Check if has the specified property. Generally, the property is equivalent to project property abstract fun hasProperty(name: String): Boolean |
registerCollector |
abstract fun <R> registerCollector(collector: Collector<R>): Unit |
unregisterCollector |
abstract fun <R> unregisterCollector(collector: Collector<R>): Unit |
collect |
fun <R> TransformContext.collect(collector: Collector<R>): List<R> |
AbstractTransformContext |
abstract class AbstractTransformContext : TransformContext |