booster / com.didiglobal.booster.aapt2 / Resources / Package / Builder


class Builder : Builder<Builder!>, PackageOrBuilder

      Defines resources for an Android package.
Protobuf type aapt.pb.Package



        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun addAllType(values: MutableIterable<Type!>!): Builder!


fun addRepeatedField(field: FieldDescriptor!, value: Any!): Builder!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun addType(value: Type!): Builder!
fun addType(index: Int, value: Type!): Builder!
fun addType(builderForValue: Builder!): Builder!
fun addType(index: Int, builderForValue: Builder!): Builder!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun addTypeBuilder(): Builder!
fun addTypeBuilder(index: Int): Builder!


fun build(): Package!


fun buildPartial(): Package!


fun clear(): Builder!


fun clearField(field: FieldDescriptor!): Builder!


fun clearOneof(oneof: OneofDescriptor!): Builder!


        The package ID of this package, in the range [0x00, 0xff].
        - ID 0x00 is reserved for shared libraries, or when the ID is assigned at run-time.
        - ID 0x01 is reserved for the 'android' package (framework).
        - ID range [0x02, 0x7f) is reserved for auto-assignment to shared libraries at run-time.
        - ID 0x7f is reserved for the application package.
        - IDs > 0x7f are reserved for the application as well and are treated as feature splits.
        This may not be set if no ID was assigned.
.aapt.pb.PackageId package_id = 1;

fun clearPackageId(): Builder!


        The Java compatible Android package name of the app.
string package_name = 2;

fun clearPackageName(): Builder!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun clearType(): Builder!


fun clone(): Builder!


fun getDefaultInstanceForType(): Package!


static fun getDescriptor(): Descriptor!


fun getDescriptorForType(): Descriptor!


        The package ID of this package, in the range [0x00, 0xff].
        - ID 0x00 is reserved for shared libraries, or when the ID is assigned at run-time.
        - ID 0x01 is reserved for the 'android' package (framework).
        - ID range [0x02, 0x7f) is reserved for auto-assignment to shared libraries at run-time.
        - ID 0x7f is reserved for the application package.
        - IDs > 0x7f are reserved for the application as well and are treated as feature splits.
        This may not be set if no ID was assigned.
.aapt.pb.PackageId package_id = 1;

fun getPackageId(): PackageId!


        The package ID of this package, in the range [0x00, 0xff].
        - ID 0x00 is reserved for shared libraries, or when the ID is assigned at run-time.
        - ID 0x01 is reserved for the 'android' package (framework).
        - ID range [0x02, 0x7f) is reserved for auto-assignment to shared libraries at run-time.
        - ID 0x7f is reserved for the application package.
        - IDs > 0x7f are reserved for the application as well and are treated as feature splits.
        This may not be set if no ID was assigned.
.aapt.pb.PackageId package_id = 1;

fun getPackageIdBuilder(): Builder!


        The package ID of this package, in the range [0x00, 0xff].
        - ID 0x00 is reserved for shared libraries, or when the ID is assigned at run-time.
        - ID 0x01 is reserved for the 'android' package (framework).
        - ID range [0x02, 0x7f) is reserved for auto-assignment to shared libraries at run-time.
        - ID 0x7f is reserved for the application package.
        - IDs > 0x7f are reserved for the application as well and are treated as feature splits.
        This may not be set if no ID was assigned.
.aapt.pb.PackageId package_id = 1;

fun getPackageIdOrBuilder(): PackageIdOrBuilder!


        The Java compatible Android package name of the app.
string package_name = 2;

fun getPackageName(): String!


        The Java compatible Android package name of the app.
string package_name = 2;

fun getPackageNameBytes(): ByteString!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun getType(index: Int): Type!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun getTypeBuilder(index: Int): Builder!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun getTypeBuilderList(): MutableList<Builder!>!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun getTypeCount(): Int


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun getTypeList(): MutableList<Type!>!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun getTypeOrBuilder(index: Int): TypeOrBuilder!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun getTypeOrBuilderList(): MutableList<out TypeOrBuilder!>!


        The package ID of this package, in the range [0x00, 0xff].
        - ID 0x00 is reserved for shared libraries, or when the ID is assigned at run-time.
        - ID 0x01 is reserved for the 'android' package (framework).
        - ID range [0x02, 0x7f) is reserved for auto-assignment to shared libraries at run-time.
        - ID 0x7f is reserved for the application package.
        - IDs > 0x7f are reserved for the application as well and are treated as feature splits.
        This may not be set if no ID was assigned.
.aapt.pb.PackageId package_id = 1;

fun hasPackageId(): Boolean


fun internalGetFieldAccessorTable(): FieldAccessorTable!


fun isInitialized(): Boolean


fun mergeFrom(other: Message!): Builder!
fun mergeFrom(other: Package!): Builder!
fun mergeFrom(input: CodedInputStream!, extensionRegistry: ExtensionRegistryLite!): Builder!


        The package ID of this package, in the range [0x00, 0xff].
        - ID 0x00 is reserved for shared libraries, or when the ID is assigned at run-time.
        - ID 0x01 is reserved for the 'android' package (framework).
        - ID range [0x02, 0x7f) is reserved for auto-assignment to shared libraries at run-time.
        - ID 0x7f is reserved for the application package.
        - IDs > 0x7f are reserved for the application as well and are treated as feature splits.
        This may not be set if no ID was assigned.
.aapt.pb.PackageId package_id = 1;

fun mergePackageId(value: PackageId!): Builder!


fun mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet!): Builder!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun removeType(index: Int): Builder!


fun setField(field: FieldDescriptor!, value: Any!): Builder!


        The package ID of this package, in the range [0x00, 0xff].
        - ID 0x00 is reserved for shared libraries, or when the ID is assigned at run-time.
        - ID 0x01 is reserved for the 'android' package (framework).
        - ID range [0x02, 0x7f) is reserved for auto-assignment to shared libraries at run-time.
        - ID 0x7f is reserved for the application package.
        - IDs > 0x7f are reserved for the application as well and are treated as feature splits.
        This may not be set if no ID was assigned.
.aapt.pb.PackageId package_id = 1;

fun setPackageId(value: PackageId!): Builder!
fun setPackageId(builderForValue: Builder!): Builder!


        The Java compatible Android package name of the app.
string package_name = 2;

fun setPackageName(value: String!): Builder!


        The Java compatible Android package name of the app.
string package_name = 2;

fun setPackageNameBytes(value: ByteString!): Builder!


fun setRepeatedField(field: FieldDescriptor!, index: Int, value: Any!): Builder!


        The series of types defined by the package.
repeated .aapt.pb.Type type = 3;

fun setType(index: Int, value: Type!): Builder!
fun setType(index: Int, builderForValue: Builder!): Builder!


fun setUnknownFields(unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet!): Builder!